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:: Volume 4, Issue 2 (2018) ::
pgr 2018, 4(2): 43-60 Back to browse issues page
Inheritance of Agronomical and Physiological Traits in the Progeny of Moghan3 and Arg Bread Wheat Varieties Cross
Soheila Shayan , Mohammad Moghaddam Vahed * , Majid Norouzi , Abolghasem Mohammadi , Mahmoud Tourchi , Bafrin Molaei
Tabriz University , mmoghaddam@tabrizu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (22524 Views)
Drought stress is one of the factors that reduces yield in the world. Considering that wheat is grown mostly in semi-arid areas, much attention has been paid to develop drought tolerant varieties. This experiment was conducted during 2013-2014 in Tabriz University research farm, Iran. In this investigation the inheritance of some agronomic and physiological traits was studied in the field condition through generations mean analysis. The generations were produced from the cross of Arg (tolerant to drought) and Moghan3 (sensitive to drought) varieties. The experiment was a split plot design based on randomized complete blocks with two replications. The irrigation conditions were arranged in the main plots and generations in the subplots. In the stress condition, irrigation was withheld after pollination. Based on the analysis of variance, significant difference were observed among different generations in terms of plant height, peduncle length, flag leaf length, flag leaf width, number of fertile tillers, leaf chlorophyll content, leaf temperature, days to maturity, spike weight, straw weight, biomass, grain yield and harvest index. The interaction between generations and irrigation conditions was significant only for grain yield. The generation mean analysis in both normal and drought stress conditions showed that chi-square of three parameter model was significant for all of the studied characteristics, indicating the presence of non-allelic interactions in the inheritance of these traits. The broad sense and narrow sense heritabilities for the traits under study were estimated as 0.502-0.946 and 0.244-0.429 in the normal condition and 0.653-0.951 and 0.221-0.377 in the water stress condition, respectively. The average degree of dominance for all of the characters in both normal and water stress conditions was greater than one which indicated the existence of over-dominance gene action in controlling these traits. At both conditions, the dominance genetic variance was higher than the additive genetic variance for all of the traits. The results indicate the necessity of selection in advanced generation or exploiting dominance gene action in the breeding programs, if hybrid varieties are produced in the wheat plant.
Keywords: Drought stress, Generation mean analysis, Heritability, Wheat
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Plant genetics
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Shayan S, Moghaddam Vahed M, Norouzi M, Mohammadi A, Tourchi M, Molaei B. Inheritance of Agronomical and Physiological Traits in the Progeny of Moghan3 and Arg Bread Wheat Varieties Cross. pgr 2018; 4 (2) :43-60
URL: http://pgr.lu.ac.ir/article-1-69-en.html

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Volume 4, Issue 2 (2018) Back to browse issues page
پژوهش های ژنتیک گیاهی Plant Genetic Researches
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