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:: Volume 10, Issue 1 (2023) ::
pgr 2023, 10(1): 1-28 Back to browse issues page
Selection Indices for Improving Maize Grain Yield under Normal and Salt Stress Conditions
Maryam Ebrahimi , Reza Darvishzadeh * , Amir Fayaz Moghaddam
Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran , r.darvishzadeh@urmia.ac.ir
Abstract:   (3542 Views)
Protection of food security is one of the basic priorities of any country, which is achieved through the development and introduction of new, high-yielding and stress-resistant crop varieties. Considering the wide range of usage; human nutrition, livestock and poultry nutrition as well as use in industrial products production, maize is of special importance in agricultural development programs. To improve a trait with complex behavior and low heritability, indirect selection by other traits or a suitable index developed based on several traits can be used. In this research, 86 maize genotypes were cultivated in the form of randomized complete block design with three replications in the field in the Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University under two normal and salt stress conditions. The measurement of the traits was done from the tassel appearance to kernel physiological maturity. In order to speed up genotype selection and increase the acuracy of selecting high yielding genotypes, four selection indices including Smith- Hazel, Pasek- Baker, Brim and Robinson were used and calculated. The results of present study revealed that selection based on the Smith- Hazel index with the highest selection efficiency (∆H) will increase the grain yield in normal and grain yield and plant height in salt stress conditions. This index, with its high correlation with the breeding value is introduced as a superior index. Based on this index, R59 and 6*/88 genotypes were introduced as the superior genotypes under normal and salt stress conditions, respectively. Nonetheless, these genotypes were recognized as the best genotypes considering the results of all other investigated indices. Identifying and introducing genotypes tolerant to salinity stress is of particular importance due to the expansion of saline lands and the limitation of access to water suitable for irrigation. Based on the above results, 6*/88 genotype is recommended for the development of promising hybrids for cultivation in areas with water or saline soil.
Keywords: Indirect selection, Maize, Multi traits selection, NaCl stress, Response to selection
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Plant improvement
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Ebrahimi M, Darvishzadeh R, Fayaz Moghaddam A. Selection Indices for Improving Maize Grain Yield under Normal and Salt Stress Conditions. pgr 2023; 10 (1) :1-28
URL: http://pgr.lu.ac.ir/article-1-290-en.html

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