"Manifestation of the Quran and Hadith Poems of Gholam Reza Khan Arkavazi"
Abstract: (3051 Views) |
Influence of Quran and Hadith is remarkable in poem of kurd poets. As the poem of these poets is full of inspiration of the Quran, the sacred and prophetic hadiths, and also a deep mystical concepts. Poems of Gholam Reza Khan Arkavazi one of the well-known kurd poets in the thirteenth century AH - replete with Quranic concepts, love inmate and also the profound mystical themes. As the poems of this poet could be and important source in sectarian researches and mystical, so in this research we will try to explain briefly about the poet and his poetic language, then we will show the influence of Quran and Hadith in some parts of his poems. |
Article number: 10 |
Keywords: Gholam Reza Khan Arkavazi, Kurdish poetry, Quran, Hadith. |
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Type of Study: Research |
موضوع البحث:
Special Received: 2015/01/4 | Accepted: 2015/06/16 | Published: 2023/03/3
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