دوره 3، شماره 3 - ( 7-1400 )                   جلد 3 شماره 3 صفحات 71-56 | برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها

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Gayen D, Chatterjee P, Bhattacharya T. A survey on the mammal species from a peri-urban coal mining plateau of Eastern India. JAD 2021; 3 (3) :56-71
URL: http://jad.lu.ac.ir/article-1-139-fa.html
A survey on the mammal species from a peri-urban coal mining plateau of Eastern India. مجله تنوع جانوری. 1400; 3 (3) :56-71

URL: http://jad.lu.ac.ir/article-1-139-fa.html

چکیده:   (8799 مشاهده)
The present study was conducted to determine the diversity of mammalian species from a peri-urban coal mining region of West Bengal for almost three years from September 2017 to August 2020. The survey was done on the basis of direct sightings, extensive searches, detection and identification of indirect mammalian signs such as pug marks and droppings, opportunistic sightings and road-kill incidents. Secondary information from previous literature and information from local people, citizen scientists and Forest Department were also included in the study. A total of 20 mammals belonging to 9 orders, 15 families and 20 genera were observed from 31 locations during the present study and 6 species belonging to two orders, three families and four genera which were previously reported from the present study location but not observed during this study were also included in the list. Two endangered species, Asian Elephant Elephas maximus and Indian Pangolin Manis crassicaudata, were observed from the present study location within the study period. Based on the habitat types, the maximum number of species was observed from the Human Habitation (HH) areas whereas the least number of species was noted from the Riverside Zones (RS). Proportion of the different habitat types for each mammalian species found in the present study and also obtained from literature depicted that Asian House Shrew Suncus murinus, Asian Palm Squirrel Funambulus pennant and Indian Pygmy Pipistrelle Pipistrellus mimus were among the most abundant mammals in the study area. Golden Jackal Canis aureus was observed from a wide variety of habitat types whereas the two varieties of civets were only observed from the riverside areas. Principle Component Analysis between species and habitat type indicated that the Bengal Fox Vulpes bengalensis and the Black-naped Hare Lepus nigricollis were only associated with the grasslands. The Hanuman Langur Semnopithecus entellus and other small rodent species were generally found in the human habitation areas. Various threats like habitat destruction, habitat degradation and hunting posed the major problems in the present study location.
نوع مطالعه: مقاله پژوهشی اصلی |
دریافت: 1400/1/25 | پذیرش: 1400/3/31 | انتشار: 1400/7/8

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