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:: year 7, Issue 1 (9-2022) ::
3 2022, 7(1): 163-178 العودة إلى قائمة الأعداد السابقة
The Analysis of Koranic Verses and Ahadith (quatations) in the Poetry of Constitutionism (Malek- o-shoara Bahar, Nasim Shomal and Mirzadeh Eshghi)
Abstract:   (21361 Views)

Persian literature was the first and foremost place for the depiction of physical and spiritual achievements of Iranian society during the Islamic era.The religious culture as one of the spiritual achievements makes up the most principal themes and poetic emotions of classical poetry. The classical Farsi poetry, while taking advantage of different semantic backgrounds, is mostly affected by the religious culture since the religious culture as one of the most important sub-cultures which makes up the general Culture of Iranian Society after the advent of Islam, like the other components of the Iranian culture, incorporated a substantial part of themes and emotions of Farsi poetry.

The Present article is an attempt to introduce very beriefly the social culture of Iran before and after Constitutionism which led to cultural patterns of the secular society.It also through charts, tables and statistic tries to represent Bahar, Nasim Shomal and Mirzadeh Eshghi's allusion to verses and Ahadith (quatations) during their poetic careers. Moreover, in order to explain the aesthetic aspects of certain poems used in this study whose poets were affected by Koranic verses and prophet's Ahadith (quatations), there are some classifications and analyses in such domains as topic, genre and the way these verses and Ahadith (quatations) Were presented.

     Received: 12 Jul 2015              Accepted: 23 Feb 2015

Keywords: Verses, Ahadith, Poetry of Constitutionis, Bahar, Nasim shomal and Mirzadeh Eshghi
Full-Text [PDF 9 kb]   ( تنزيل)    
Type of Study: Research | موضوع البحث: Special
Received: 2015/01/12 | Accepted: 2015/02/23 | Published: 2015/03/6
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The Analysis of Koranic Verses and Ahadith (quatations) in the Poetry of Constitutionism (Malek- o-shoara Bahar, Nasim Shomal and Mirzadeh Eshghi). 3 2022; 7 (1) :163-178
URL: http://journals.lu.ac.ir/koran/article-1-77-en.html

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year 7, Issue 1 (9-2022) العودة إلى قائمة الأعداد السابقة
دو فصلنامه پژوهش های قرآنی در ادبیات دانشگاه لرستان Journal of Koranic Studies in Literature
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