Koranic Intertextuality in the Poetry of Mohammad Vali Dasht Bayazi
Ali Asghar Habibi * , Amir Baharloo , Mahdi JavanBakht  |
Abstract: (19509 Views) |
Koranic Intertextuality in the Poetry of Mohammad Vali
Dasht Bayazi[1]
Dr. Ali Asghar Habibi[2]
Amir Baharloo[3]
Mahdi JavanBakht[4]
Koran Karim as the main religion book of Moslems in 14 century has been having effects in the different dimension of social, cultural, artistic, literary life of Moslems. Mean while this holy book with semantic and riches depth beside ode unique characteristic of artistic and eloquence, it declare the most valuable inspiring religion source among Moslems poem's poets and their literary productions. One of the unknown character "Molana Mohammad Vali Dasht Bayazi" is as a shite in the tenth Hejry century that he engaged to testing the talent in poem region .one of the main of his poem's Source is Koran karim that it's different impress appear in his poem and phrases and Koran semantic contend as the main artistic capital of him. This inquiry want to show the state of impression of this poet form semantics ,meanings and pictures of Koran Karim and limit and boundaries of that in his invisible and visible layer, dissolution of basic Themes of Dashte Bayazi poet and with reliance to kinds of intertexuality
Key words: Koran Karim, poem, Dasht Bayazi, Intertexuality, impression.
[1] - Received: 21 April 2014 Accepted: 14 July 2014
[2]- Assistant professor, University of Zabol, Email: dr.aliasghar.habibi@gmail.com
[3] - MA student in Persian literature
[4]- MA student in Persian literature
Keywords: Koran Karim, poem, Dasht Bayazi, Intertexuality, impression |
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Type of Study: Research |
موضوع البحث:
Special Received: 2014/04/21 | Accepted: 2014/07/14 | Published: 2014/09/6
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