Plant Genetic Researches- Reviewers Section
Guidelines for Reviewers

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Guidelines for Reviewers
PGR relies on members of the scientific research community to assess the validity of articles under consideration through peer review.
Invitation to Review
PGR editors select potential reviewers based on their expertise in research areas relevant to the manuscript under consideration. Reviewer invitations are sent by email from the journal's Editorial Manager submission system. Use the links in the invitation email to accept or decline, or check the “New Reviewer Invitations” folder on your Reviewer Main Menu screen in Editorial Manager. Accept an invitation only if you have the knowledge, time and objectivity necessary to provide an unbiased assessment of the research.

Please LOGIN: enter your username and password and click "Login". Then you can enter to the "Reviewers zone" to view the list of articles. General guidance on submitting a review is available on the top of the Reviewers section.

- If you are unable to submit your review online, please contact us for assistance.

- If you forget your password: Please click "Reset Password".

- If you wish to change your username and password or update your personal details please login and click "Account settings" from the top menu.

What should be checked while reviewing a manuscript?
  • Novelty and Originality
  • Scientific reliability
  • Valuable contribution to the field
  • Ethical aspects
  • Structure of the article submitted and its relevance to Authors’ Guidelines
  • References provided to substantiate the content
  • Grammar, punctuation, spelling, and referencing and citation style
  • Academic misconduct
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