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:: Volume 3, Issue 2 (2017) ::
pgr 2017, 3(2): 59-68 Back to browse issues page
QTLs Associated with Stemlet and Rootlet Growth in the Early Stages of Germination of Wheat
Mohsen Barajehfard , Mohammad Reza Siahpoosh * , Mohammad Modarresi
Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran
Abstract:   (21693 Views)
In order to identify QTLs associated with stemlet and rootlet growth in the early stages of germination of wheat, 144 recombinant inbred lines derived from the cross of Kaz and Mantana were evaluated in a completely randomized design. The linkage map using composite interval by 234 microsatellite (SSR) primers and 267 AFLP loci have been already prepared in this population which covered 20 chromosomes of wheat. For root length, 1, 2 and 2 QTLs were located on 4D, 4B and 2D chromosomes, respectively. Two QTLs of rootlet length was located on 6B and 3D chromosomes. The QTLs of rootlet number were identified on 4A, 5A and 3B chromosomes. For each of stemlet dry weight (SDW) and rootlet dry weight (RDW) traits only one QTL identified on 4A and 3D chromosomes, respectively. Overall, for SDW to RDW ratio on 2D and 3D chromosomes, three QTLs were located. The QTLs of stemlet wet weight (SWW) were detected on 6B and 2B chromosomes. On 1B, 2D and 6B chromosoms, three QTLs were recognized for SWW to RWW ratio. For all traits, the range of LOD = 2.04-6.34 and R2 =5.11-19.58 were calculated. The highest amount of LOD and R2 (5.11 and 19.58, respectively) were obtained for rootlet length QTL (QSL-chpgu-4D). The least distance to the nearest adjacent marker (AFgcCGb marker) was 0.005 Centi-Morgan which belonged to rootlet length QTL (QRL-chpgu-3D) on 3D chromosome.
Keywords: Stemlet, QTL, Seedling, Wheat, Rootlet
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Plant improvement
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Barajehfard M, Siahpoosh M R, Modarresi M. QTLs Associated with Stemlet and Rootlet Growth in the Early Stages of Germination of Wheat. pgr 2017; 3 (2) :59-68
URL: http://pgr.lu.ac.ir/article-1-99-en.html

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