Rivers have a prominent role as one of the most important water resources that are constantly evolving. Therefore, recognition of the behavior and morphology of rivers, which is influenced by factors such as river form and structure, river geometry, bed shape, flow flow and characteristics of the river profile, is of particular importance in river engineering designs. These effects are very important in the meander rivers where there is an uneven flow in terms of velocity changes, shear stresses, water surface digits, and so on. In this research, an interval of the Karkheh River with an arch was selected. Then, the depth of water and the speeding were measured in three sections (input, arc and output) by field operations. In the following, using the two-dimensional model of CCHE2D flow, the daily flow of the river was modeled in non-sustained conditions in 2014. The results of this study indicate that the use of the CCHE2D model is efficient in simulating the flow pattern of the river.