Volume 3, Issue 1 (6-2019)                   JCES 2019, 3(1): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Salemi M, Gholami M. Evaluation of the elastic behavior of coupled shear walls. JCES 2019; 3 (1)
URL: http://journals.lu.ac.ir/jces/article-1-50-en.html
Department of Civil Engineering, Yasouj Univercity, Yasouj, Iran.
Abstract:   (3422 Views)
According to researches and experiments conducted by researchers, it is accepted that shear walls have significant structural parameters such as lateral stiffness, shear capacity and energy absorption. These walls are known for their shear force due to the shear force absorption, while flexural deformations occur, and stresses from the bending anchor at their feet are remarkable. Now, if we connect two adjacent and separate shear walls together with very difficult towed beams, the strength and behavioral properties of these walls will change greatly. So, to clarify this, at the beginning of the present study, the relationships between the elastic analysis of the system are reviewed in a continuous method. In the next study, a 10-story coupled shear wall system is compared with the results of ABAQUS software based on the continuous method of elastic analysis. According to studies, the lateral displacement in the system of the coupled shear walls is increased and the lateral stiffness decreases. Also, the bending anchor in the shear walls is sharply reduced relative to the uncoupled shear walls, but the shear force does not change in each of the walls, but very large shear force are formed in the coupled beams, which are Axial force is transmitted to the walls. In general, the presence of coupled beams in the system of uncoupled shear walls significantly reduces the stress at the foot of the walls and makes the lateral deformations in the walls to be flexed to the shear.
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Review Paper: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/05/18 | Accepted: 2019/07/24 | Published: 2019/06/15

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