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Showing 26 results for Species

Harshil Patel, Raju Vyas,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2020)

We re-address the findings of recent publications on herpetofaunal diversity of certain urban areas of Gujarat, India, in which, authors have claimed to report nine frogs and two lizard species for the first time from the State, without any morphological data and/or voucher specimens. We present our critique and comments, with the known distributional ranges of these species and on these erroneous records. We also advocate removal of such species from the faunal list of Gujarat until confirmed reports, based on correctly identified vouchers, are presented. We recommend here that identification of a species should be done following standard protocols and by facilitating the deposition of voucher specimen/s in responsible public repositories for studies involving taxonomy, morphology and range extension.

Suman Pratihar, Niloy Mandal, Kaushik Deuti,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2020)

In this study we document the consistent presence of the long distant migrant pipits including, Blyth’s Pipit, Tawny Pipit, Tree Pipit, Olive-backed Pipit, and Richard’s Pipit in the district of West Midnapore (Paschim Medinipur) in West Bengal state, India. We confirm via photography the record of Blyth’s and Tawny Pipits for the first time in this part of the world.

Muammer Kurnaz,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (12-2020)

Turkey is biogeographically diverse and consequently has a rich herpetofauna. As a result of active herpetological research, the number of species has steadily increased in recent years. I present here a new checklist of amphibian and reptile species distributed in Turkey, revising the nomenclature to reflect the latest taxonomic knowledge. In addition, information about the systematics of many species is also given. In total 35 (19.4%) amphibian and 145 (80.6%) reptile species comprise the Turkish herpetofauna. Among amphibians, 16 (45.7%) anurans and 19 urodelans (54.3%) are present. Among reptiles, 11 (7.6%) testudines, 71 (49%) saurians, 3 (2.1%) amphisbaenians and 60 (41.3%) ophidians are considered part of the herpetofauna. The endemism rate in Turkey is considered relatively high with a total of 34 species (12 amphibian species – 34.3% and 22 reptile species – 15.2%) endemic to Turkey, yielding a total herpetofaunal endemism of 18.9%. While 38 species have not been threat-assessed by the IUCN, 92 of the 180 Turkish herpetofaunal species are of Least Concern (LC), 13 are Near Threatened (NT), 10 are Vulnerable (VU), 14 are Endangered (EN), and 7 are Critically Endangered (CR). In addition, 6 species are in the DD (Data Deficient) category.

Jigme Tshelthrim Wangyal, Gyeltshen Gyeltshen, David J. Gower,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (3-2021)

The world currently recognizes 214 species of Caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona) most of which occur in the wet tropics and some adjacent subtropical regions. Of the ten-family classification known, three occur in Asia, viz. Chikilidae (endemic to northeast India, Indotyphlidae (India’s Western and Eastern Ghats) and Ichthyophiidae. However, until this report, there were no confirmed reports of any caecilian species from Bhutan, although their presence has been assumed likely given their occurrence in adjacent countries. This report provides the first confirmed report of caecilians in Bhutan with work to identify the species to be carried on later with further research.

K. Deepak Singh, Bishnu Prasad Bhattarai,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2021)

Jakhor Taal is an ox-bow perennial lake, situated in Dhangadhi sub-metropolitan city in Kailali district, Nepal. The present study focuses on the factors determining fish diversity, socio-economic status of fishing communities and conservation challenges of Jakhor Taal. Fish sampling was done by gill net, cast net and other local fishing techniques such as Helka and Tiyari nets and Dhadiya trap. A total of 24 fish species (8 exotic and 16 native) were recorded belonging to 7 orders, 14 families and 22 genera. The order Cypriniformes was found to be highest, obtaining 41.66% of the total fish species recorded and 65.38% of total fish caught during the study period (February 2019 - August 2019) followed by Siluriformes (20.33%) and Perciformes (16.67%), respectively. The Shannon-Weiner diversity index was found highest (2.93) in winter (February) and lowest (2.76) in summer (July). Similarly, the Simpson and Evenness values were also found slightly higher during winter (February) in comparison to summer (July). The Shannon-Weiner diversity index was found highest (2.73) at station II in comparison to station I, III, and IV where it was 2.31, 2.09, and 2.04, respectively. Results from the Redundancy analysis (RDA) revealed that the environmental variables such as water temperature, depth and dissolved oxygen were found to be highly significant to most of the fish species at different stations and months. However, pH and free CO2 was not shown to have any relationship or significance. Altogether, 22 clusters were formed in which exotic species show highly significant clustering in comparison to native species. The socio-economic status of the local fishing communities is below the poverty line and the lake and its fishing resources play vital roles in their diet and income source. In the context of conservation challenges and implications, this lake is highly neglected by both governmental and local communities and this negatively affects its natural properties through habitat destruction, illegal fishing, urbanization, invasive species, and a general lack of awareness.

Ganesh S.r., Bubesh Guptha,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (9-2021)

Herpetological diversity of the Eastern Ghats hill range in the Indian peninsula has been mostly overlooked and incompletely documented. We here present information on the amphibian and reptile diversity in the poorly-explored Central Eastern Ghats hill range in peninsular India. Based on a 1,000-hour bio-inventory study of the series of ranges between the Palar River (abutting Tamil Nadu) and the Krishna River (abutting Telangana) for about 10 months (300 field days), we present the following results. A total of 105 species of herpetofauna, consisting of 24 amphibian species, 35 lizard species, 42 snake species and 4 chelonian species were documented. Several new range extension records and new findings of rare species are discussed, substantiated by photo-vouchers, pre-existing museum specimens or both.

Paromit Chatterjee, Kamalika Bhattacharyya, Silanjan Bhattacharyya,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2022)

We present the first confirmed report of the Long-snouted Bhutan Squirrel Dremomys lokriah bhotia from the state of West Bengal, India. Previously the subspecies was known from limited localities of East Sikkim (India) and Bhutan. This article, thus, adds to the global knowledge of the subspecies with a note on its habitat and activity pattern, along with new details on it’s current global distribution.

Spartaco Gippoliti ,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (3-2022)

Many users of taxonomic lists believe them to be based on consistent data, but this is rarely true, and biased knowledge may be the rule rather than the exception. In the present essay on the taxonomy of primates of the Horn of Africa, I show how taxonomic history has consequences for the present appreciation of primate diversity in the region, and thus in directing conservation efforts. To minimize future losses, it is necessary that international bodies recognize taxonomic checklists as works in progress, eventually encouraging further integrated approaches to taxa delimitation.

Lam Norbu, Phuntsho Thinley, Ugyen Dechen, Bal Krishna Koirala, Tshering Dorji, Dawa Tshering, Pasang Dorji, Sonam Tobgay,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2022)

A rarely recorded small carnivore, the Spotted linsang (Prionodon pardicolor), is among Asia’s least studied members of the family Prionodontidae. We report the first photographic evidence of its presence from the Tashigang Forest Division of eastern Bhutan. A non-invasive camera trap survey during the nationwide tiger survey in 2014–2015 and an opportunistic wildlife monitoring exercise in 2020 photo trapped the species on two independent occasions. On the first occasion the individual was recorded at the altitude of 2,308 m a.s.l. and the later at 2,952 m a.s.l. The main threats to the species in the region are not currently well known, highlighting the importance of additional studies to ascertain its distribution and status in the Tashigang Forest Division.

Rajendra Singh, Garima Singh,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2022)

In this review, an updated checklist of spider diversity in Rajasthan, India is presented. A total of 173 spider species from 90 genera belonging to 25 families are listed with records/descriptions originating from only 20 out of 33 districts of Rajasthan. A total of 74 taxa recorded from various districts of Rajasthan were identified only up to generic level. The maximum number of spider species were recorded from Jodhpur district (72 species), followed by Ajmer (69 species), Bharatpur (66 species), Pali (63 species), Jaipur (58 species), Dholpur and Karauli (38 species each), Jhunjhunu and Sikar (31 species each), Sri Ganga Nagar (26 species), Hanumangarh (25 species), and Jaisalmer (26 species). A fewer number of species are known from other districts. Thus far, no faunal surveys of spiders have been conducted in 13 districts of Rajasthan. Most of the national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, forest areas, agricultural fields, human dwellings, etc. within the state still await intensive and extensive surveys to record the spider fauna.

Ahmad Mahmoudi, Atilla Arslan, Masoumeh Khoshyar, Boris Kryštufek,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2022)

Although recent molecular data has advocated the distinct position of Arvicola persicus De Filippi from Iran, karyotypic and differential chromosome staining data, informative tools to describe biological diversity, are lacking. Here we present the first description of the chromosome complement of A. persicus from its type locality in Sultaniyeh, southern Alborz Mountains, Iran. Though the diploid chromosome number (2n= 36) and the fundamental number of autosomal arms (FNa= 60) did not deviate from that reported for Arvicola amphibius sensu lato in Eurasia (2n= 36, FNa= 6068), there appear to be significant differences between A. persicus and A. amphibius s.l. in terms of C-bands and NOR-bearing autosomes. Banded karyology, therefore, provides further evidence for delimiting A. persicus as a species, which is distinct from A. amphibius.

Erica Demilio, Denis V. Tumanov, Colin Lawton, Reinhardt Møbjerg Kristensen, Jesper Guldberg Hansen,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (6-2022)

Two new heterotardigrade (Tardigrada) species, Bryodelphax pucapetricolus sp. nov. and Bryodelphax wallacearthuri sp. nov., are described from moss associated with limestone pavement in the Republic of Ireland. The species description process for these two taxa initiated a more detailed exploration of several morphological characters of importance in Bryodelphax Thulin including cuticular sculpture elements and ventral plate morphology. Division of the third dorsal median plate in the context of the genera Bryochoerus Marcus and Bryodelphax is further discussed. We recommend minor emendations to the generic diagnoses of Bryochoerus and Bryodelphax. Also, we emend the species diagnoses of Bryodelphax aaseae Kristensen, Michalczyk and Kaczmarek and Bryodelphax parvuspolaris Kaczmarek, Zawierucha, Smykla and Michalczyk, record the genus Parechiniscus Cuénot from the Republic of Ireland for the first time, and make suggestions relevant to the taxonomy of limnoterrestrial heterotardigrades.

Jigme Tenzin, Yeshi Phuntsho, Dr. Phuntsho Thinley, Karma Tenzin,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2022)

In Bhutan, protected areas constitute 51.4% of the total geographical area, out of which 7.7% is designated biological corridors (BCs) that serve as connectors between protected areas. The biological corridor (BC-03) constitutes a total area of 407.7 km² and connects Phibsoo Wildlife Sanctuary in the west, Jigme Singye Wangchuck National Park and Royal Manas National Park in the north and southeast through Sarpang–Tsirang District landscapes. However, most BCs, including BC-03, lack comprehensive inventories of mammal species. We conducted joint rapid biodiversity assessment (RBA) using camera trap surveys from November 2019 to February 2020. Our findings from BC-03 include records of 26 mammal species belonging to 11 families in five orders. Nearly half of these species are listed as Endangered, Vulnerable, or Near Threatened. Overall, the BC-03 landscape was found to support 77.8% of the mammal species of Sarpang District and 21.7% of Bhutan (as per Biodiversity Statistics of Bhutan, 2017). Therefore, BC-03 is of conservation interest. Comprehensive conservation plans, periodic monitoring of keystone species, and restrictions on the expansion of cardamom plantations in BCs are suggested for securing wildlife habitats and ensuring long-term persistence of keystone species, including within BC-03 in southcentral Bhutan. 

Lutz Christian Maul ,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2022)

The book by Boris Kryštufek and Georgy I. Shenbrot, published a few weeks ago, is an encyclopaedic masterpiece and up-to-date standard work on the rodent group of Arvicolinae Gray, 1821 (voles and lemmings) belonging to the family Cricetidae Fischer, 1817 (hamsters). The authors are two experts on these mammals, and are known worldwide by scientists working in mammalogy for their publications. In addition to countless individual articles, B. Kryštufek is best known for his monograph on the ‘Mammals of Turkey and Cyprus’, which he published together with Vladimír Vohralík (Kryštufek and Vohralík, 2001; 2005; 2009). Georgy Shenbrot wrote, among many other books and papers, mainly devoted to desert and steppe rodents, ‘An Atlas of the Geographic Distribution of the Arvicoline Rodents’ in co-operation with Boris Krasnov (Shenbrot and Krasnov, 2005). It is certainly no exaggeration to call the present book, reviewed here, a worthy, up-to-date successor to Hinton's classic ‘Monograph of Voles and Lemmings’ (Hinton, 1926) and Gromov and Polyakov's volume on ‘Voles (Microtinae)’ (Gromov and Polyakov, 1977) in the framework of the ‘Fauna SSSR’ series (which actually always represented the entire group worldwide). So, one can say that a fundamental work on voles appears about every 50 years.

Azadeh Rezaei, Hoda Khaledi, Ahmad Savari, Babak Dostshenas, Hossein Mohammad Asgari, Rezvan Attari,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (9-2022)

Macrobenthos play an important role in aquatic ecosystems because they mineralize, promote, and mix the oxygen flux into the sediment, which recycles the organic matter. Sampling of macrobenthos populations for this study was carried out in the supratidal, mid tidal, low tidal, and subtidal regions of the Dayyer, Ouli, and Kangan stations in the Persian Gulf during both cold and warm seasons. Water parameters such as the temperature, salinity, pH, turbidity, and electrical conductivity were assessed, and were indicative of moderate water quality. Representatives of a total of 31 taxonomic families were identified during both seasons, of which 59 were identified to genus and species. The highest average number of species was observed in the low tidal region of Kangan in the warm season at 16.6 ± 1.2 species, and the lowest number was observed in the supratidal regions of Ouli and Kangan in the cold season at 6.6±2 species. The species diversity, as calculated using the Shannon–Wiener Index (H’), showed a significant difference between sampling seasons and sampling stations, as well as pollution level at the beaches. The species diversity index in Ouli, Dayyer, and Kangan stations also differed between the seasons. In both seasons, the Kangan station showed the highest species diversity while the Dayyer station showed the lowest. These results reveal a rich species diversity of macrobenthos and good water quality at the three beaches in the Persian Gulf. Re-assessment of species diversity during an environmental impact assessment prior to urban development should be further conducted to ensure that the
community is not significantly affected and the ecosystem remains intact.

Marian Dara T. Tagoon, Joshua L. Donato, Treaseur B. Susulan, Karyn Chrislene A. Vitor, Samuel Herbert T. Mamora, Elsa May Delima-Baron,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (12-2022)

Data on anurans in Davao City watersheds remains depauperate. This study provides the first account of anurans of the Panigan-Tamugan watershed using visual encounter survey (VES) and microhabitat searches along fifteen 10 × 10 m belt transects. A total of 14 species belonging to 11 genera and five families were recorded for all three sampling sites in the Panigan-Tamugan Watershed. Eleven out of 14 anurans species documented in this survey are endemic to the Philippines. Anuran families recorded during the survey included Bufonidae Gray (n= 3), Dicroglossidae Anderson (n= 4), Megophryidae Bonaparte (n= 2), Ranidae Batsch (n= 1), and Rhacophoridae Hoffman (n= 4). Additional records of anurans from this study, namely Fejervarya vittigera (Wiegmann), Occidozyga laevis (Günther), Pelophryne brevipes (Peters), and Philautus worcesteri (Stejneger), increased the number of species known from watershed areas of Davao City, as they were not reported in previous inventories conducted in the city. Species richness data may not necessarily reflect the true number of species in the site. Future studies should include an increased number of transects and man hours. Although the list comprises the limited information on this taxon in watersheds, more inventories are necessary for a full understanding of anuran composition in the city's several watersheds.

Dhanapal Sangavi, Padur Sankaranarayanan Anisha, Govindharaj Vinothini, Parthasarathy Thiruchenthil Nathan,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2023)

A detailed investigation of the spider diversity in Salem district, Tamil Nadu was carried out across different habitats for a period of five years. A total of 184 spider species belonging to 97 genera in 29 families were recorded, which represented nearly 10% of Indian and 65% of Tamil Nadu spider diversity. Among them 25 spider species are endemic to India. From the 29 families, the 3 most abundant families based on number of specimens sampled were Lycosidae (21%), Araneidae (18%), and Eresidae (17%), constituting 56% of the spider species. Simpson diversity indices ranged between 0.88 to 0.30 for all the studied habitats. The species richness was highest in bamboo fields (2.78), and the lowest was observed in grasslands (0.76). The highest abundance of spider species was observed in the sugarcane fields (0.83), followed by the grasslands (0.57) and paddy fields (0.53). Further, these spiders were categorized into nine types based on their foraging guilds. Among them, the highest species richness was observed in foliage runners. A maximum of nine spider guilds were observed in the shrub ecosystem. Natural ecosystems such as shrublands, treescapes, and grasslands had higher spider diversity than altered agricultural and domestic ecosystems. This is the first report on spider diversity in Salem District, Tamil Nadu revealing the varying spider diversity along with their guild types across different habitats.

Bhaskar Saikia, Bikramjit Sinha, A. Shabnam, K. P. Dinesh,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2023)

Seventeen nominal species of the ranid frog genus Amolops, some of which are based on unverified historical records, are reported from India. Herein, we describe a new species of Amolops of the marmoratus group from a cave ecosystem. This is an uncommon habitat for this group offrogs, which is commonly found around cascades. The Siju Cave, from which four specimens of the new species were collected is a natural limestone cave located in the South Garo Hills District of Meghalaya, Northeast India. The new species is separated from other congeners based on morphological and genetic differences and is also geographically isolated from it ssister species.

Tanuj Suryan, Gauraangi Raghav, Aniruddha Majumdar, Ravindra Mani Tripathi,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (3-2023)

The big cats are of paramount importance for the sustenance of ecosystems and their interaction with humans is critical for their conservation. Coexistence and tolerance of the people involved will be crucial in the conservation of these cats in the growing human-dominated landscapes. The literature review on humans and big cats' conflicts and their coexistence indicates socio-economic factors are the main driving forces in shaping human attitudes toward these cats. In contrast to the mainstream view, conflict frequency does not directly affect the tolerance capacity of stakeholders; instead, coalitions of many factors like livelihood status, religious and cultural beliefs and government intervention are involved. The review provides an evaluation of the prevalent mitigation measures and other principles that govern human-big cats conflict and sheds light on the potential of coexistence as a pro-conservation strategy.


. Joseliph Abin, Padayatty Davis Samson,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2024)

Identification and characterisation of urban habitats and ascertaining their species associations are essential for the conservation and management of biodiversity in urban landscapes. The study attempts to identify, describe and categorise potential urban habitats in Kochi city, Kerala, India, and to explore the association of bird faunal assemblages with each of the habitats. The study was conducted from June 2018 to May 2020. The Urban Habitat Categories were identified, described and categorised as per the Urban Habitats Biodiversity Assessment (UrHBA) procedure and asample biotope map was prepared. The habitat association of bird species was determined from each of the identified Urban habitat Category by evaluating the species composition of each habitat. Species sharing between the identified habitats was also examined. Critical habitats of conservation concern were identified and their specific features were ascertained. A total of 38 Urban Habitat Categories were characterised from the landscape of Kochi City with 162 species of birds to be found associated with the urban habitats. The wide variety of urban habitats provide excellent dwellings for a large number of birds including several threatened and migratory species. Out of the five major urban habitat categories, most of the species utilise Sparsely vegetated - Life form categories. Among the 38 urban habitats, Forest phanerophytes supports greater number of bird species. Vegetation structure is an important factor that determines bird diversity of the urban habitats. Together with the well-vegetated habitats, sparsely vegetated, non-vegetated and artificial built habitats also significantly contribute to biodiversity of urban centres. The diverse urban habitats and the associated bird species identified from Kochi city emphasise that modified urban landscapes are equally potent as natural landscapes in upholding diverse life forms. The study highlights the necessity of maintaining habitat complexity in urban landscapes for sustainable conservation of urban biodiversity. The baseline data on urban habitats and their species association will serve as a planning tool for safeguarding the critical habitats.

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